Poltry farm basic.

2 years ago

About this video:- Poltry farm basic.
A poultry farm is a type of agricultural operation that is dedicated to the raising of domesticated birds, particularly chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, for the purpose of meat or egg production. Poultry farms can range in size from small backyard operations to large industrial facilities that house thousands of birds at a time.

Poultry farms typically provide birds with a controlled environment that includes temperature-controlled housing, ventilation, and lighting systems. The birds are usually housed in large, open-air sheds or enclosed buildings, with access to food and water. The conditions of the farm are designed to maximize the health and productivity of the birds, while minimizing the risk of disease and other problems.

Poultry farming is an important industry worldwide, providing a significant source of food and income for many people. However, there are also concerns about the welfare of birds in industrial-scale operations, as well as the environmental impact of large-scale poultry farming.

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