2 years ago

Perfection, originally produced by the Pennsylvania company Reed Toys, is a game by the Milton Bradley company. The object is to put all the pieces into matching holes on the board (pushed down) before the time limit runs out. When time runs out, the board springs up, causing many, if not all, of the pieces to fly out. In the most common version, there are 25 pieces to be placed into a 5×5 grid within 60 seconds.
The original Perfection game was patented by the Harmonic Reed Company (later Reed Toys) in 1973.[1] The patent was later transferred to Lakeside Industries who, several years later, was purchased by Coleco in 1986. When Coleco went bankrupt in 1988 the remaining assets and IPs were purchased by Hasbro in 1989, who continues to manufacture the game under their Milton Bradley brand.[2
PICTURE: https://boardgamingftw.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/retro-review-a-history-of-perfection/

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