Parable of the Weeds

2 years ago

I suggest you listen to the very end.

Mat 13:26  "But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also.

Cain and Abel gave a way to determine between the two. Oddly enough, Cain and Abel were twin brothers. Confirming they were the first seed. Similar to Esau and Jacob.

In the writ it speaks of the gathering by the Angels/Extraterrestrials. What Christians call a rapture but rather sorting of Israel and everyone else. Yet even amongst Israel, the choicest will be kept. Amos 9

Israel (the wheat) will be the seeders of the entire earth until we engulf the whole earth. Be fruitful and multiply. Being delivered by the High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek, the Royal Priesthood. As the duty of the High Priest, bringing before the Father the best of the best in abundance. All He "the Most High" has given me I lose not one.

One last morsel, the angels at first could not determine between the two nor the complete will of the Most High. But once the Most High deemed it truly harvest time. The the Angels could pursue their first intention with the knowledge whom a part of the millennial kingdom. Really grooming period. In short time was provided so the Angels would get educated in two aspects they did not know. Israel and company (mixed multitude).


Law of God and Law of Moses:

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