"We're More Popular Than Jesus Now" - The Story Behind the Controversial Quote #shorts #johnlennon

1 year ago

In 1966, John Lennon made a remark that caused a massive controversy around the world. The singer and songwriter was featured in an article in the London Evening Standard, where he was quoted as saying: "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now."
At the time, the comment went largely unnoticed in the UK. However, four months later, it was reprinted in the US publication Datebook, and that's when the storm hit. The remark was taken out of context, and people were outraged at what they saw as Lennon's blasphemy. Record burnings and protests broke out across America, and many radio stations banned The Beatles' music from their airwaves.
In this video, we explore the context around Lennon's comment, and why it caused such a stir. We examine the Beatles' rise to fame, the cultural impact of their music, and the religious climate of the time. We also explore the aftermath of the controversy, how it affected The Beatles' career, and what Lennon himself had to say about it in later years.
1. "The Beatles Controversy: 'I Don't Want to See a Single Record Burned'" By: John H. Richardson; Esquire. August 2006.
2. "When John Lennon's More Popular Than Jesus Remark Sparked Protests in America". By: Tom Murray; The Independent. March 4, 2016.
#JohnLennon #TheBeatles #controversy #music #christianity #blasphemy #protest #religiousclimate #culturalimpact #Beatlesfans.

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