Spring Equinox/Aries New Moon March 20-21 '23 Astrology, Affirmations & Harmonies #springequinox

1 year ago

https://www.soundworksbygehl.com A quote from the IChing: "Contentment cannot be held in the hand, but lives perpetually in the heart." To be impervious to the highs and lows, ups and downs, means that we are living in the heart. When we embody the ever-present I AM essence there is no storm we cannot navigate with a steady hand and serene heart. That is how we reach the shore to safety, and the New Earth we're creating together.

THANK YOU to all who have recently subscribed, AND to loyal viewers!! You are all greatly appreciated!! 🙏 💖 🎶 💓

For an in depth astrology reading with Jennifer visit: https://soundworksbygehl.com/astrology-readings/

For Jennifer's books on planetary science visit: https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-return-of-planet-sedna

Written Affirmations:
Sun/NewMoon/Mars - Aries New Moon plus square from Mars
As I celebrate the new astrological year, I am committed to fully embodying my divine I AM presence.

Sun/NM/Mercury conj:
As I embody the I AM presence and give voice to its revelations, I inspire that same freedom in others, and respect each one’s own divine expression.

Sun/NM/Nep conj.
The connection I feel with my Divine I AM presence reveals itself with honesty, courage, and a transparency that inspires unity consciousness.

Merc/SN quincunx (Pluto):
Any memories or traumas from my past find complete healing and transformation as I release all un-forgiveness towards myself and anyone involved.

Mars/Saturn trine:
My energy and drive is now directed by divine presence, and builds a sustainable future one step at a time.

Mars/Neptune square:
I have the power to calm the stormy seas created by my own and others’ emotional reactions by remembering my I AM Presence, and actively retracting any shadow projections.

Mars/Pluto quincunx plus Pluto sq. SN:
As the forces that have governed my past still vie for my attention, I trust even more in divine providence to deliver new life out of the ashes of the old.

Chiron/Jupiter conj:
Magnificent healing is now available to all individuals who seek autonomy, and who willingly grant that freedom to others.

Saturn/Sedna square:
There is an exciting changing of the guards taking place that honors all life as sacred, and will replace the governing entities who fail to do the same.

Puto/Sedna trine:
Our multidimensional natures are constantly receiving upgrades from Divine Source, which instantly transmutes ill-intended energy back into the light.

Pluto/NN square (Venus):
While the power of love might be underestimated, it can neither be destroyed nor diverted from its mission to free humanity from any and all oppression.

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