Tragedy and Hope 101

2 years ago

Tragedy and Hope written by Caroll Quigley, a 1300 page book, was reduced down to 200+ pages by Joseph Plummer. Clinton had referenced Quigley in 2 of his speeches. Quigley was a renowned historian who was selected by people like the Rockefeller's, Carnegie's, Rhode's, etc., to write about their history. Whether it was truly known or not, he wrote a book about them. It was immediately recalled, but not before thousands of copies had already gone out.

In the book, he talks about [in their words] the need for complete control of all things which include countries, medicine, politics, etc. Eventually, the goal is to lead to the dissolution of national sovereignty and instituting a central governing body, which has often been referred to as a one-world government. This ties into Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, etc. Quigley also discusses how the political system is just theater to give the illusion of choice. Therefore, people who continually give their energy and emotion to this show are having their energy fleeced. No change will come through voting. These people are wasting their time and energy.

Once again, medicine is not only as it is often perceived. For what is coming, it's going to be much worse than it is now. Thus, if you don't want the world to get even worse, then you better start speaking up and being part of the solution. The fear porn that is being pumped out by the machine is destroying people's energetic field, their positivity, their outlook, etc. All of this affects the immune system, and thus one's health.

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