Stamp out cancer and WIN! #teampandora #cancersucks

2 years ago

ok Haunt Fam!!! This is a very important video to me. This channel has never been about monetary gains. I don't have the subs or ad revenue to really curb what I say or do on my channel. ( long time subs would agree!)
Our Haunt sister needs help. If you dont know Pandora Rose you should. She has been fighting color cancer for months and chemo is not working. In fact her cancer has progressed to stage 4. Her doctors have had to change her treatment plan again. There are alot of expenses insurance doesn't cover or her travel to treatments. Cancer comes with monumental bills. We all gotta eat!
Not only does she coordinate the live Haunters Hangout show on Facebook and wrangle guests and vendors during the show
she's also the person who puts her personal
phone number on
the internet for folks who might just need an ear to talk to. Pandora also makes treat bags for the staff during her treatments because smiles help her get through her treatments. Remember, she's the sick one.
I'm asking everyone who sees this to consider donating to her go fund me. Your 20$ donation with the comment #teampandora will enter you to win this one off, hand built skull built here on this channel. Please get your donation in by midnight March 17th. Winners will ge announced on March 18 2023. You will also be entered to win a Spine Trophy prop from Monster Misfits also here Youtube! Thank you for donating and helping #teampandora!

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