🎢🎨πŸŽ₯ One Last Time Horoscope Video Music Animation Art by @karthik_nft

2 years ago

NFT ART TALK MUSIC Premium T-Shirt https://a.co/d/9xO8SsS

KARTHIK BRAND SHIRTS https://www.amazon.com/s?rh=n%3A7141123011%2Cp_4%3AKARTHIK&ref=mh_bl_sl_s_ap_mw_7141123011

this incredible music video art piece featuring two souls in space, a male and a female, gazing intently at each other. They communicate telepathically, using their souls to create a new future that will be changed forever. Despite being in space, they know that their souls are eternally connected, and their bond will last for all time. Don't miss this stunning visual representation of the power of connection and the ability of souls to change the course of destiny

#art #digitalart #videoart #visualeffects #animation #nft #nftart #musicnft #nftarttalk #musicvideo

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To view Karthik’s Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/karthik
To view Karthik’s Foundation: https://foundation.app/collection/karthik
Karthik Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCytSrlHaOhWD5X3PeqhWSww
Karthik Links: https://withkoji.com/@karthik.nft


To view DJ FEEDUS’s Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/dj-feedus-nft-gallery
DJ FEEDUS Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ojAqiTU1XssyTvRV3n0Vg
DJ FEEDUS Links: https://linktr.ee/djfeedus

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