Carbon County MT Election Administrator, Crystal Roascio, considers questions a threat.

2 years ago

After all security seals on Carbon Counties Election Machines were found broken on May 12, 2022, and it had been determined they had been this way since Feb 2020, a second demonstration of the election machines was needed. This video is the second demo. Lisa Bennett had a list of unanswered questions about why the seals were broken on the machines to begin with and how they could certify that machines were safe to use when no investigation had been made to ascertain whether anything malicious/nefarious had been done. At the time of this demo I was not aware of MCA 45-8-213 which says it is legal to tape a government employee and elected officials when they are officially working. I was asked to turn off my video, and I am so "confrontational, disruptive and rude" I listened and did shut it off. That is why there isn't much to this video. But evidently, just those few questions was enough to have Crystal Roascio complain about it the Commissioner Jeff Mangan, and for Jeff Mangan to warp the situation to our MT Senators that "actual" threats of violence are being perpetrated against "election officials."

The County Sheriff Josh McQuillan refused to investigate it and no third party (non-ES&S/equipment manufacturer) was brought in to inspect the equipment. This line of questioning was considered "confrontational, disruptive and rude" by then County Clerk Chris Stovall, and the Commissioner of Political Practices, Jeff Mangan, manipulated this line of questioning an warped it into a "threat" to the safety of election officials and election judges. This is your Montana government in action and your legislators have been manipulated by Commissioner Mangan to believe citizens are "really" threatening election officials with physical threats, when in reality, citizens are calmly asking questions to make sure things are run correctly, professionally and with transparency.

That is the key, our election officials do not want transparency. If they did, they would not take questioning as a "threat." No normal person would, so why do our election administrators? Maybe because they ARE hiding something - like the fact they don't want to follow the rules established to protect our elections, like they don't take our election security seriously, they feel they have the power and authority to do as they please and they don't want us (We the People) knowing about it, and based on the other video here of election night 2022, they do cheat (shredding of ballots on election night) etc.

Our election officials DON"T want any scrutiny of they actions. Ask yourself WHY?

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