Manchester Bombing: Five-year inquiry concludes, more PREVENT, the scheme meant to detect terrorists

1 year ago

UK Column Extracts back-up channels:

- Mail: Security services could have stopped Manchester Arena attack if they acted on intelligence, and bomber's own family "holds significant responsibility" for his radicalisation, damning report finds
- Declassified UK (June 2022): Counter-terrorism officials allowed Manchester bomber to operate in Libya warzone—why did Abedi have such special status to shuttle to and fro?
- Manchester policeman Dominic Scally admitted to inquiry that every British jihadi in Syria had a police repatriation plan
- Britain never regarded joining the jihad against Gaddafi as a crime
- Declassified UK (June 2022): Manchester bomber was a UK ally
- Video: Live terrorist drill with crisis actors a year before the bombing, in the very venue

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