IllumiGnostic AMA: Third Eye Pry Lightstream

2 years ago

I mean seriously, wtf? I mean, but, really. How are we supposed to walk around with flames belching forth from our third eyes, hearts full of dreams, heads full of ideas, while people like Putin wrestle dolphins and bang Italian supermodels between trying to decide whether to blow up the world or not?

The Universe is strange. Really strange. And also big as hell. Like fucking massive. Bigger than yo momma, almost. It makes almost no goddamn sense. It’s also scary. Easy to forget it’s supposed to be fun.

Maybe aliens are here? Why? Where did they come from? What do they want? IllumiGnostic Gnows. Might even tell you.

And then there’s magick and consciousness and the occult. Can we use these things to neutralize the opposition? To get our own dolphins?

Psychedelics are maybe weirder than all of these other things. We should talk about those as well. They seem to offer a solution. Possibly the only solution.

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