(2015) Australian senator Bill Hefferman says 28 alleged Pedophiles in Australian Government

1 year ago

Source: Krifto Miners

October 2015- Liberal Senator Bill Hefferman sits alone in a legislation committee to announce a police report of 28 alleged PEDOPHILES of prominent names in Australian Government including a former Australian Prime Minister. Senator Bill Heffermen said it is not the secrecy of this but the fact that there are 28 people that can be COMPROMISE/BLACKMAILED to do things that are not in the interest of the Australian public. There is a SUPPRESSION ORDER for 90 YEARS to not release this kind of information. GEE... I wonder WHY??

1 Year ago- Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts announces he has contacted Bill Hefferman as he tries to get to the bottom of the 28 pedophiles in Australian Government report that Bill Hefferman originally made public back in October 2015. Malcolm said Bill was relieved that someone was FINALLY going to look into it. Unfortunately they don't have enough evidence and can't legally get the police report.

Liberal senator Bill Heffernan says former prime minister a suspected paedophile

1991 Australian Newspaper clipping about Australian Police reporting Satanic Cults involved in Cannibalistic rituals, Mass Murder, and Child abuse operating in 14 NSW towns.
The last paragraph of this 1991 newspaper article reads “The cult was said to operate Australia wide, and allegedly involves high-profile figures in the law, medicine, the media, police and academia. If this cult is continuing it may involve current senior government officials. This has not been investigated.

Remember the FRANKLIN COVERUP. Ex Senator of Nebraska John Decamp heard rumous in Washington DC of a Pedophile Ring in Omaha Nebraska that high level Whitehouse politicians were involved in including then US President George HW Bush (1990). John Decamp exposed it and then wrote a book called the Franklin Coverup because his mentor from Vietnam and CIA Director William Casey said he had to do or they would kill him to silence him. Ex CIA William Colby would end up murdered in 1996 and believed to being tortured for the 10 days before his "canoe drowning" story. John Decamp said he was part of the manhunt and where his body was eventually found was a spot they had already looked in so believed he was placed their after the fact. Here is the video CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE whic is based on John Decamps book THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP and interviews the kids involved in this pedophile ring that went to the TOP of the Whitehouse in 1990.

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