“Fuck Xi!”-Steve Bannon | CPAC where another two defectors gave a speech. (Check Description)

1 year ago

🇨🇳”F*ck Xi”- Steve Bannon | CPAC

It seems Steve always has Chinese defectors around him. Over the last few years I personally know of three high level defectors that seem to personally talk to or have a friendship with him.

For those who forgot or are unaware an extremely high ranking defector named Dong Jingwei, Chinese spy chief among other things, defected to the US in 2020(45+).

Dong is the highest ranking defector both in China’s & US history. When someone with a military background explained it they compared Dong’s position in the Chinese government to that of Gen Mike Flynn while apart of the Trump’s administration.

Flynn was the 24th US National Security Advisor(NSA) while apart of the last legitimate administration our country has seen(45+). It was said it would be a close comparison to if Flynn defected to China. That’s absolutely huge. There’s rumors Dong provided the ins & outs of the infamous Wuhan Lab.

Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dong was very smart and did not go to any of the 3 letter agencies we now know are extremely compromised like the FBI or CIA but instead went to the DIA(Defense Intelligence Agency).

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector

I’ve been waiting on pins & needles to hear more about Dong but realize that’s unlikely for his and his daughter’s safety. Instead I pray we will see the actions & consequences taken against China instead which I 100% believe will happen when 45+ steps back in. I also tend to believe, because he’s said it many times, we will go after China for reparations for the cervesa bug leak.

He’s by far the highest ranking but the US has been loading up on other high level defectors the last decade. According to the authoritative Paris-based newsletter Intelligence Online, Dong is “close to” Chinese President Xi Jinping and is rumored to have been a top ranking official of the Chinese equivalent of the CIA, Guoanbu.

Dong Jingwei | Wikipedia 👇

Leading “Spy Catcher” Defection 👇

More On Dong The Defector 👇

Another Huge Defector | Chinese Hypersonic Weapons Technician Working On DF-17 Missiles Defects To The West. 👇

There’s more but please do your own research & make up your own minds. #ChinaBigFknMad

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