Psalm 119 part 13 v97-104 "O LORD, how much I love your holy law!". Tune: Ellers. Section: mem.

2 years ago

Psalm 119 verses 97 to 104.
Sing Psalms version
tune: Ellers
Falkirk Free Church
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the thirteenth section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter mem מ.

PSALM 119 (13) 10 10 10 10

97 O LORD, how much I love your holy law!
I meditate upon it all the day.
98 It makes me wiser than my enemies,
For your commandments ever with me stay.

99 I have more insight than my teachers have,
For on your laws I meditate each day.
100 I’ve more discernment than the elders have,
Because your righteous precepts I obey.

101 I’ve kept my feet from every evil path,
That I may be obedient to your word;
102 And I have not departed from your laws,
For you yourself have taught me this, O LORD.

103 How pleasing to my taste are all your words!
More sweet they are than honey on my tongue.
104 From your commands I gain enlightenment;
So I reject and hate each path that’s wrong.

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