Tucker Carlson Tonight 3 Mar 2023

1 year ago

The mentally ill are running the Federal government. The people running this country aren't qualified to run the Friday night bingo at your local community center. Plenty of video and a discussion with Adam Corolla support this position.
Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey joins Tucker to discuss the homeless situation in CA and what they are doing to fix it.
Democratic losers are in a steady parade to Ukraine to kiss Zelensky's ring. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) former congressman joins Tucker to discuss Ukraine and the Nordsteam pipeline destruction.
FAA nominee from the IIC regime knows nothing about aviation, but he is woke and black so fully qualified. I'd say take the train instead of flying, but...
11 year old child and dad join Tucker to discuss the LGBQT#*$ propaganda and grooming program. This is wrong. Wrong as two boys...
Andrew Tate update from his lawyer.
Man joins Tucker to discuss his McDonald's only diet to lose weight. Really.

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