Vladimir Zelensky Explanations March 3, 2023 (Subtitle)

2 years ago

ℹ️ Source: https://t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official

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🤍 The purpose of the videos; To show that WAR is a terrible phenomenon.

📒 Every day, Ukrainian heroes give their lives to stop Russian aggression. And that is why the world has a clear moral obligation to our soldiers, to each and every one who is currently in battle and who defends freedom.

This duty is to restore justice and bring the terrorist state and its leadership to justice. And it will be.

And I thank all the partners of Ukraine – every leader, every politician, every public figure of the helping states – for understanding the price that the Ukrainian people pay for their freedom and that of all Europeans.

Glory to all who are now fighting for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who brings the victory of our people and the historic sentences to the organizers and perpetrators of Russian aggression closer!
Eternal memory and respect to all those who gave their lives for Ukraine and for the salvation of our people!
Glory to Ukraine!

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Communication; mfsa_33_@hotmail.com

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