Cherry Crisp

1 year ago

Cherry crisp and apple crisp in one video. I tripled the streusel recipe because I love streusel on the bottom and on the top. The recipe below are the ingredrients for one crisp, your choice of fruit.
Streusel Topping:
3/4 cup flour ( I tripled)
3/4 cup old-fashioned oats (I tripled)
1/2 cup brown sugar (I tripled)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (I tripled)
1/2 cup cold butter, cut in pieces (I tripled)
Canned pie filling (your choice)

Preheat oven 375. Layer on thin layer of streusel on bottom of 8-inch square pan. (I used round cake pan). Pre-bakedbottom crust 5-10 minutes to set. Add pie filling and top with more streusel. Bake another 30 minutes or until topping is browned. Let cool and top with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.

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/ @pretirementdays

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