300 GIGA Download Affiliate Package Resell Rights

2 years ago

3000+ eBooks
2315 ebooks collection A very large collection of books in various niches .

2000+ Videos
We offer more than 857 videos packages. Some of the packages include up to 50 videos, so we're talking about 1700's of videos individually! Since most of them are made by Internet Marketing Pros, you can learn marketing secrets right from millionaires.

250+ Software
Software is one of the most lucrative vehicles to secure your financial freedom, and you don't even have to be a programmer to start your PLR software resale business.

1500+ Graphic Packs
Visually-stunning graphics can do wonders to set your online business apart from its competitors. Some of the packages you get include hundreds of  graphics: headers, banners, order/buy buttons, icons, testimonial boxes, logos, add to cart buttons, guarantee badges, pricing tables, credit card & membership card templates, cover graphics, headlines, guarantee boxes and many other graphics you can imagine. Resale them or use for your own sites — it's up to you!

7000+ Templates
Same as graphic packs, some of the template packages includes templates package, so we're talking about 7000's of them individually. You'll find squeeze pages, landing pages, sales letters, WordPress themes, minisites, HTML & CSS templates and many others!

5000,000+ PLR Articles
We know that until now you have been paying minimum $5 for a small article. But here, you're getting tens of thousands of PLR articles for less than a penny each. Numerous categories like weight loss, Internet Marketing, etc, are sorted in packages for you to download anytime you want.

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