Basic Dog training -TOP 10 Essential command every Dog

1 year ago

I can provide you with a list of the top 10 essential commands every dog should learn:

Sit - This is one of the most basic commands that every dog should learn. It is a simple way to get your dog to stay in one place.

Stay - This command is useful when you need your dog to remain in one place for an extended period of time.

Come - This command is useful for calling your dog to come back to you.

Down - This command is useful for getting your dog to lie down.

Heel - This command is useful when walking your dog on a leash. It helps to keep your dog close to you and under control.

Leave it - This command is useful for getting your dog to drop something it shouldn't have in its mouth.

Off - This command is useful for getting your dog to stop jumping up on people.

Wait - This command is useful for getting your dog to pause for a moment before moving forward.

Watch Me - This command is useful for getting your dog to make eye contact with you.

Place - This command is useful for getting your dog to go to a designated spot and stay there.
#Dog training #Dog command training

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