Sometimes you're just hungry!

2 years ago

Sometimes what I eat is simply not enough. Usually, that is my body telling me something, as I typically am not hungry during the day. Being hungry at night is especially hard since it is not a good idea to eat 3-hours before you go to bed.

After being at this for as long as I have, I have some go-to's to keep me away from the food. If it was warmer outside I would go for a walk, but since it's winter I will tell myself to just make it until the morning and think about the giant breakfast I'm going to eat in the morning. The mind will play games with me, but since I know I'm not hungry, I concentrate on that point.

Essentially I try to find something, anything, to take my mind off being hungry.

#keto #carnivore #nomoredieting #meatonlydiet #nocarbs #paleodiet #lowcarbhighfat #lchf #eatmeatnotcarbs #pegan

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