Manson Family lawyers, prosecutors & judges: Send in the Clowns!!

1 year ago

A charade murder trial requires circus and television crisis actors, a cavalcade of chaos of clueless courtroom actors. Send in the clowns!!!!!!!

Evelle Younger, District Attorney, OSS-CIA and Air Force General, Burma.
Charles Older, Hangin Judge, OSS-CIA Flying Tiger Ace pilot, Burma.
William Keene, UCLA television judge, replaced.
Paul Caruso, Mob Lawyers (CIA)
Richard Cabarello, ADA turned Public Defender for a week.

Ronald Hughes flunked the BAR Exam three times! Assigned to Charlie
Irving Kanarek, aerospace engineer for Military, homeless lawyer living in his car for Charlie Manson's defense.
Paul Fitzgerald for Patricia Krenwinkel
Daye Shin for Susan Atkins
Donald Barnett for Leslie Van Houten
Marvin Prat for Leslie Van Houten
Ronald Hughes reassigned to Leslie Van Houten, then disappeared.

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