Should I Rent My House Furnished or Unfurnished?

2 years ago

Chris at Hauseit® ( goes over the question Should I Rent My House Furnished or Unfurnished?

Save money when buying, selling and renting real estate in New York and Florida with Hauseit. Available in NYC, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and South Florida. Established 2014.
There are many advantages to renting out your house or apartment furnished, and not just because furnished rentals command a higher premium due to the ease of tenants moving into an apartment that already has everything.

However, for "qualified real estate professionals" the benefits can extend further, including the ability to write off 100% of furniture/furnishings in the tax year that it's put into service.

This can be quite beneficial! Speak with your accountant to learn more, as we never provide tax or financial advice.

We explore this mystery and explain further in the following video.
Hauseit Group LLC, Licensed Real Estate Broker
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