Self Moc Adventures Season 2 Episode 1 Robo Pimp

1 year ago

After a 5 year hiatus, SMA has returned in all its... "Glory"... If you can call it that... Season 2 has begun, and with it, the most horrifying form of comedy I think I have ever seen. If this makes you uncomfortable, GOOD. Comedy is subjective. Any who, Season 2 is a 16 episode show, and will have a vast range of whacky and unforgettable characters. Make sure you watch all the way to the end! Many episodes will have after credit scenes! Please enjoy!

Felix and Siri are up to some strange shenanigans. Sartix, Tek and Zeminak, with the help of Terron and Rondax try to save Felix, from a fate worse than death. Wearing a form of womans clothing...

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