Are Christian Movies and TV Shows Bad? (C.S. Lewis, The Chosen, Worship Music, etc...)

2 years ago

Our listeners asks, "What does the Bible say about movies like 'The Chronicles of Narnia' that are supposed to glorify God, yet fail to mention Jesus Christ's name? And is C.S. Lewis a pagan, or is he a true Christian?

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#cslewis #thechosen #bibleline #worship #music #christiantv #christianmusic #christianmovie #christian #bad

and you find out that there are things
that they portray Jesus saying like
recently I am the law
for the law came by Moses but Grace and
Truth through Jesus Christ okay that's
what the Bible says and that's what the
chosen says which one's right
hey welcome back to Bible line I'm your
host Pastor Jesse Martinez and today
we're doing an advice video we had a
listener write in and she was looking
for some guidance about particular
things so this is what she says what
does the Bible say about movies like The
Chronicles of Narnia that are supposed
to glorify God yet fail to mention Jesus
Christ's name and is C.S Lewis a pagan
or is he a true Christian I know that's
kind of like a double question but I
decided to give advice on this because
you know the Bible doesn't specifically
say but there are things that the Bible
does say that we can apply to these
issues so as you see in the title here
it's you know what do we do about movies
and TV shows that are you know from a
Christian perspective
I'll start with C.S Lewis C.S Lewis
attempted to teach Doctrine in narrative
form and there's some great stuff that
that Lewis has written however you got
to really dig to find out what the man
believed about eternal life
and you find out a lot of what he
believed was kind of a Universalist idea
like we're all getting there and he
wasn't really clear that becomes a
problem especially when we see that
there's an opportunity to win people by
gaining an audience like that but you
never give the gospel I always think
that's a red flag we did a series one
time and you can go to sermon audio on and you can search
there was a series called always give an
answer or something like that and it was
about apologetics and I went through the
top 20 Christian apologists and tried to
find their gospel and I think I found
that's a huge problem
that there are 17 that did not have any
gospel that I could find about how does
a person go to heaven and the three that
I did it was a calvinistic message
surprise surprise people say that
Calvinism is leaking into the church it
is it is not leaking into the church it
flows through it now and many of you who
are watching understand that
so if we look at the question again and
we try to recognize what do we do with
Christian content Christian Media well
there's a Biblical command that we are
not to love excuse me love not the world
neither the things that are in the world
and that's in first John chapter 2 and
verse 15. so if there's content that
we're consuming out of this almost
like we're addicted to it like we've got
to see it all the time and it motivates
our service it motivates our love for
God that can become a problem and this
is where I come down on it and again
this is why I say this is an opinion
piece this is an advice video
when the Bible says their love not the
world neither the things that are in the
world I've got to be careful that the
Christian movies or Christian content or
even worship music that I listen to
number one does not replace my own
personal prayer life my own personal
devotional life and study of the word
and fellowship with like-minded
Believers and responsibility to soulwind
I'm like well you know I'll I I have
we'll just use the chosen as an example
and I know that puts some people on
their heels but they'll say well I
watched The Chosen so I have my DeVos
you know like I I watched some
documentary on the King James Bible so
yeah I really fulfilled my
that leads me into my second point
most of the Christian content that is
produced today
actually does greater harm than it does
any good they use Jesus name they use
his likeness
they use the stories from the New
Testament they used stories from the
gospel sadly the chosen is one of the
biggest offenders
I mean the guy who is doing it he's a
Mormon guy he's an LDS guy and you find
out that there are things that they
portrayed Jesus saying like recently I
am the law
for the law came by Moses but Grace and
Truth through Jesus Christ okay that's
what the Bible says and that's what the
chosen says which one's right and you
have to come to a conclusion that you'll
see here in second Corinthians chapter
11 and verse 13. don't forget if this is
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that kind of thing and lastly before we
get back to our question send in your
questions questions at Bible and we will do our best
to get you at least a written answer and
maybe even make a video like today let's
get back to our answer
so second Corinthians chapter 11 and
verse 13 says this for such are false
Apostles deceitful workers transforming
themselves into the Apostles of Christ
and no Marvel for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of Light
therefore it is no great thing if his
ministers also be transformed
as the Ministers of righteousness whose
end shall be according to their works
why do I bring this up because I think
this is where a lot of Christian content
is today and I use Christian and air
quotes I think it talks about Jesus but
it doesn't teach any Bible truth and as
a matter of fact it teaches against what
the Bible says so let's ask this
question if the devil is blinding the
minds of them that believe not Second
Corinthians 4 4.
do you think that he would use Christian
content to do it
now I'm not going to get legalistic here
and say you shouldn't do anything like
I'm going to tell you be careful
and I'm telling you that out of love be
that you're not watching these shows and
they're informing how you read the
here's another personal opinion of mine
I don't watch anything that portrays
because I the I I I never have like I've
never seen The Passion of the Christ I
don't watch the I don't watch the chosen
for you know obvious reasons they they
kind of take a lot of Liberty there
creative Liberty
my only understanding of who Jesus is is
based on what the Holy Spirit has shown
me in the scripture
I don't want to get an image in my head
or get an emotional feeling on a scene
that I saw on a show
or an actor's performance and start
thinking about that person when I pray
to the Lord I I just don't want to do
that that's protection for myself and I
give that advice to other people it's
going to be up to them whether they use
it or not
but I think more often than not when you
run Christian content today from
Christian Media when you run it through
the veracity of the scriptures
the Bible doctrines that the Bible
clearly teaches
they just fall short and you find out
well these people look like the Apostles
of Christ they look like Ministers of
righteousness but they are false
they're wolves and sheep's clothing
so of course if I find out that people
are watching the children and stuff I
mean they're not kicked out of my church
I just think
you know if it comes up in conversation
There's an opportunity to teach about it
I'll tell them what the issues are and
this is with any content I think the
biggest area is Christian worship music
go read some some lyrics without
listening to the music and you're like
wow the bible really never said that
so why are we singing it
you can come to that conclusion remember
of course Paul became all things to all
men that he might reach more so I'm not
saying you cocoon yourself and you know
I just got my King James Bible and
that's it I'm never going to go out and
talk to anyone ever again
you need to know these things so you can
better uh Reach people but we're not
supposed to love them nor are we
supposed to put them on a pedestal and
ultimately you just should okay yeah I
see that and you you move on used a
sermon know the tactics of the enemy and
lead a life of righteousness
you know Reach people with the gospel be
ready to have a gospel conversation
someone mentors the chosen or some weird
worship song
lead it into a gospel conversation where
are you going to go when you die do you
have 100 assurance that you'll be in
heaven do you want to know
instead of arguing with them about I
can't believe how silly you are that you
do X Y and Z be careful let's not cause
division let's lead people to the Lord
that'll be it for today so make sure
that you send in your questions
questions at bibleline
until next time keep looking up Jesus
Christ is coming soon
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video be sure to check the links in the
description for more clear Bible
teaching Bible in is a Ministry of
Calvary Community Church located in
Tampa Florida

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