14. The First Principles Discipleship Course - Lesson 4 Part 2

2 years ago

A live recording of the First Principles Discipleship study class.
Taught at Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
The Course book is available at www.FirstPrinciplesDiscipleship.com

Lesson 4
What separates Bible-Christianity from all other types of Christianity is its claim to an absolute, written authority from God (John 17:17). So many “Christians” only use the Bible, but do not believe it is completely true. Having the perfect word of God is essential because the way in which a Christian is to live his or her life is only found in the pages of the Holy Bible!
The purpose of this lesson is to help the Christian to know what it is that they hold in their hands, and how they can trust it as the very “word of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)! We don’t just “believe” the Bible is God’s word… we can PROVE it.

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