Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 199: What If Magik & Doctor Strange: The End

2 years ago

On Today's Lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, @millernumber1 & @kingdomkey2397 join me as we cover Leah William's What If Magik & Doctor Strange: The End! Both stories are connected & tell amazing tales that expand Strange's character brilliantly.

Before she was Magik, Illyana Rasputin was just a kid whom Limbo chewed up and spit out seven years older. So it’s no surprise that, at 15, she wants nothing to do with the X-Men - nothing to do with the New Mutants - and nothing to do with her own powers. It’s not even surprising that she runs away - but where — and who — she ends up? Well, that’s something you’ve never seen before.

THE FINAL DOCTOR STRANGE STORY! The Sorcerer Supreme makes his final journey through a cyberpunk sprawl that forgot about magic!

#marvel #drstrange #magik


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