Beyond This Day

2 years ago

Hello my friends. This video features as song from my 11th CD, "The Lion And The Lamb" that was recorded in 2016. The inspiration for this song is found in the book of Matthew, chapter 24, beginning at verse 3, which my King James Bible calls "Signs For The End Of The Age."

In this chapter, Jesus clearly outlines what will take place on planet earth just prior to His return, to put an end to the madness and terror that we now see occurring around the world today. The war drums are once again beating loudly, and man made environmental disasters are increasing exponentially. We are being lied to by those we have elected to serve us, and we are living in perilous times indeed.

The good news is that beyond these dark days, there is hope for the future. For God will put and end to Satan's reign, and will establish His kingdom on the new earth that He will create. The good news is that He wants all those created in His image to be there, and has made a way for that to happen, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

I hope and pray that those who watch this video, will see the urgency in getting their lives in order by confessing their sins and allowing God to transform their lives, so that we can all receive eternal life, and dwell with our Creator in the new Jerusalem.

You can download this song and copy the video for free, by visiting my new website at If you like what you see and hear, please sign my Guest book on the bottom of the Bio page, and share my website with others. Thanks for watching. Shalom.

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