(Warning, gruesome images 18+) Aftermath of Ukrainian terrorist attack in Bryansk, Russia

1 year ago

Russia’s FSB released a video of the aftermath of Ukrainian terrorist attack in Bryansk, Russia.

Saboteurs raided two border villages in Bryansk Region, killing two people

The deadly attack on Thursday deadly on two villages in Bryansk Region claimed at least two lives and injured a ten-year old boy.

Pres. Putin described the raid on the villages of Lyubechane and Sushany, located right on the Russian-Ukrainian border, as a “terrorist attack,” while labelling the Ukrainian saboteurs “neo-Nazis.” He also noted that the gunmen opened fire despite seeing that they were attacking civilians.

The FSB's one-minute clip shows a Russian-produced Lada car shredded with bullets on the front and right side, with the tires punctured. According to local media reports, its driver, who was killed in the attack, was working as an engineer at a nearby school. He is said to have been driving back from his shift to visit his mother at the time of the incident.

The video also shows a second car that was attacked by the Ukrainian saboteurs. Its driver is said to have used the vehicle to take local children to school at the request of his neighbours. One boy and two girls were in the car at the time of the attack. After the raiders killed the man and injured the boy, the boy helped the two girls escape, an act that Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov described as “heroic.” (see ** below)

The FSB also released photos of what appear to be several mines left by the Ukrainian operatives, as well as a portable hand-grenade launcher lying on the ground. Earlier, the agency said that numerous explosive devices of various kinds had been found around the area, adding that bomb squads were working at the scene to disarm them.

According to the FSB, the saboteur group was “pushed back to Ukrainian territory, where they were hit with a massive artillery strike.”

In recent months, Russia’s territories bordering Ukraine have come under recurring attacks. On Thursday, local authorities in Bryansk and Kursk Regions reported that local villages had been shelled by Ukrainian troops. According to Kursk Governor Roman Starovoyt, the attack killed one man, with another one injured.

** Via RT, 3 Mar, 2023 13:12 Russian boy praised for saving two minors in Ukrainian attack

The governor of Bryansk Region has proposed awarding the child a medal ‘For Courage’ for saving the girls, despite having been shot in the chest

A ten-year old boy from Russia’s Bryansk Region is being hailed as a hero after he managed to save the lives of two first-graders during an attack by Ukrainian saboteurs on Thursday.

According to local media reports, Fyodor and two girls, Zlata and Lena, were being driven to school by their neighbour, a 63-year-old man known as Uncle Lenya on the morning of March 2. On their way they encountered a group of armed men.

After realizing that the men were not Russian servicemen the driver attempted to turn the car around and flee, but the Ukrainian operatives opened fire on the vehicle, killing the driver on the spot and wounding Fyodor in the chest.

Despite being shot, Fyodor managed to pull the girls out of the car and escape the scene. “Fedya [Fyodor] told us ‘go to the forest,’” one of the first-graders told the Moskovsky Komsomolets outlet. “I was there, in that car. I saw people in white uniforms and one in green. Fedya showed us where to go and we ran together,” she said.

Fyodor and the girls eventually made it out of the area and were able to catch a ride to the nearby settlement of Novy Ropsk, where the boy was taken to the hospital. Doctors managed to extract a NATO-issue bullet from his chest. Doctors say Fyodor’s condition is stable and that he is expected to make a full recovery.

Bryansk Governor Aleksandr Bogomaz paid a personal visit to Fyodor on Friday and commended him on his bravery. “Despite being so young, he acted like a real man, like a true fighter,” Bogomaz wrote on his Telegram channel. The governor has announced that documents are currently being prepared to award him with a medal ‘For Courage.’

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also stated on Friday that “everyone in the Kremlin and the president are in awe of the heroism of the boy and the man [Uncle Lenya]” and announced that their actions will be officially noted.

The Ukrainian operatives who crossed into Russia’s Bryansk Region on Thursday have since been forced back to Ukrainian territory and hit with a “massive artillery strike,” the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said.

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