13 The Products - Tau Language #shorts #tauchain #agoras #taulanguage

2 years ago

The Tau Language is the first logical language (in the classical sense) that allows for referring to the truth of its own sentences as well as quantifying them. Further, it supports a temporal dimension, thus becoming a software specification language. Purely speaking, it is not a language but a language-extension method: it can combine at once many logics (that satisfy certain basic requirements) into one language that further has quantification over sentences in those logics and over its own sentences, and a temporal dimension on top of them all. It is always decidable if the logic it extends is decidable. Moreover, it can express statements like “for all inputs at each point of time, exists a well-defined output”. See tau.net for a more detailed high-level description.

#TauLanguage #LogicalLanguage #SoftwareSpecificationLanguage #TemporalDimension #DecidableLogic #CollaborativeSoftwareDevelopment #TauNet #AgorasToken #BlockchainEconomy #Tokenomics

Tau Official Website: https://tau.net/
Tau Official Telegram: https://t.me/tauchain
Tau Official Discord: https://discord.gg/fuTA5ymZ
Tau Official Development Updates: https://github.com/IDNI/TML
TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

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