The Call of Mahdi

2 years ago

A unique program revealing the essence of man's spiritual path, through the spiritual grains of Islam in their beauty and purity, which like a great ocean unite the mighty rivers of Islam.
What is man, his structure? What is the meaning of life? What is paradise (al-janna) and how to achieve it? How to achieve spiritual freedom? What is diligence on the path to Allah? Ihsan as a state of expression of sincere Love for Allah. About the Love of Allah for people who love Him (references in the Qur'an and hadith). What is the "opening of the chest" (about the silver thread)? What is the state of "al-ghayb" and the concept of "lahut", which is identified with the Divine light and the Holy Spirit? What does "the Lotus Extreme Limit" mean? Why does the Qur'an say that Islam is the direct path to God (Allah), as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said?
Iblis (Satan) is an enemy to man and mankind. Why did Iblis whisper to Adam the desire to achieve "the everlasting power"? Why does the Qur'an mention that Iblis will lodge on the straight path between man and Allah and "stir up his voice"? Where do thoughts come from in the mind and how do we get rid of them? What is the work of the self? How to defeat one's nafs (egoism) and what stages does one overcome? How do I protect myself from the instigation of Iblis and the shaytans in my head? What is the Big Jihad and the Little Jihad (man's personal Armageddon)? What is hell (jahannam)? What happens to a person after the death of his physical body (descriptions of the states of the "sinner" (sub-personality) in the Quran)? What is the Day of Judgment (Last Judgment, Day of Recompense - Qiyamat)?
A sign on ancient mosques. Predictions and references about the time of Imam Mahdi's coming (the coming of Qaim), the essence of his coming and his deeds in the last days (the words of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), recorded in the Hadith). What is the Call of the Mahdi and how does it relate to the "breath of the sun"? Why is the coming of the Mahdi associated with the advent of a new era? About the Sisters of Allat, about the rebirth of real dignity in man, about Eternal Life, about the best that LIVES in everyone's soul.

03:08 About Paradise, al-janna
04:45 About Judgment Day
09:47 About freedom
10:22 About hell, jahannam
26:45 About prayer
35:06 Allah Almighty
36:28 About the Quran
38:58 About Jihad
43:27 About Namaz
1:08:37 About Imam Mahdi (Peace be upon him)
1:08:37 On the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)
1:25:32 About Islam

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