20230303 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Everything in America is taxed!
I'm Peter Serefine with this week's Liberty Minute brought to you by Right To Bear Insurance. If you own a firearm, you need to use code LIGHTHOUSE at ProtectWithBear.com just in case you ever need to use your firearm.
When I say everything is taxed, I mean absolutely everything.
First, your income is taxed before you even see it.
Then, almost everything you buy with your already taxed money is taxed again by sales tax.
Make a profit buying and selling something, and you’ll pay capital gains tax.
When you die, any money that you were lucky enough to save is taxed again through inheritance tax.
Think you own your house? Think again. Try not paying your property tax and you’ll find out who really owns it. If it can be taken away, then you don’t really own it at all.
Heck, in most states, you have to pay sales tax on a used car. Then pay gasoline tax to use it. Don’t forget about the hotel tax when you get where you’re going.
Every time government at any level needs money they just raise a tax, or create a new one!
If you are evil enough to buy a gun, alcohol, or tobacco…vice tax.
There should be only one form of tax. I don’t care which one, just pick ONE!
Find more news and commentary at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until next time, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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