Puzzled About Revelation, Part 52: The Kingdom & Throne of the Beast (Rev. 13, 17)

1 year ago

Join me this week as we continue with the unfolding drama of John's visions in Revelation 13.
After the great dragon (Satan) was cast out of heaven to the earth, John saw a satanically-empowered beast rising out of the sea, the description of which defies anything in the created order: the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion, with ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns on its horns!
And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority, so that all mankind will be astonished and follow the beast and worship the dragon.
What do these visions and symbols mean? How are we to interpret them? And what are we to be watching and preparing for?
Will this be a "Revived Roman Empire"? Or should we be looking for something else? As always, we will let Scripture interpret Scripture as good Bereans! 🙂

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