Life After Death

2 years ago

It will affect everyone. Is there life after death? Is there a continuation of a person's conscious life after death? Who is "I": body, consciousness, soul or Personality? Why do people feel inner fear when faced with death, and why does consciousness ignore the reality of the fact "I will die" and assuages itself in every possible way that "death is a dream, a forgetfulness, and nothing terrible will happen"?

The invisible world: what is clinical death and how does it differ from real death? How does consciousness work in this state? Why do people often see their dead relatives, angels and the like? What awaits a person after real death? How does one's choices while alive affect one's postmortem destiny? What is sub-personality and what states does a person experience in a sub-personality state? What is "death two" in religious beliefs?

About postmortem destiny - knowledge preserved through the ages. Reincarnation: what is true and what is fiction? Questions about the soul: what is it, can it be "undeveloped", what is "immortality of the soul"? Can a person be consciously reborn? Why can't a person remember past lives? What is the state of Peace? What is spiritual liberation? What are the image and name of a person, and what role do they play in the afterlife? Does Personhood have a name of its own? What is anathema? Its roots in history. Can the dead be anathematized?

The physics of the process: how does the soul enter a new body? Do time and distance play a role? Where is "heaven" as the abode of the Living and where is "hell" as the abode of the dead (the place of torment and punishment in the afterlife according to different religions)? What is "food" for the dead? Why is it forbidden in Islam to depict the image of God and the Prophet? Why was it forbidden to "feed" the dead in ancient peoples while others, on the contrary, actively venerated the dead and what dangers does this pose to the living? The greatest mystery of the priests.

Science: The facts and study of past lives. Past life experiences of children and adults (studies by Ian Stevenson, Jim Tucker, Socrates, Casey, Billy Milligan and others), religious beliefs of different people. What are the dangers of various hypnosis techniques and how does their use perpetuate sub-personality dominance in a person? The mechanism of the physics of the process.

Why does it matter what in life dominates a person? The colossal possibilities of the Personality in spiritual development. Why does man himself bear a huge responsibility for his spiritual salvation?
#life after death #rebirth #ALLATRA

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A creative society. What the prophets dreamed of | International online conference | 20.03.2021

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