Ep 8 R & B Monthly Seminar, Chair Mrs. Cecily Routman. Guest Ayala Isenberg @prolifejewess

2 years ago

Our guest is Ayala Isenberg, a young Jewish Esther who speaks up for innocents in the womb and their mothers. Ayala shares her story and then takes questions followed by open conversation with attendees. Aired 2/28/23.

Miracle of Life 9 months in 4 minutes

Ayala's Social media:
Twitter @prolifejewess
Ticktok fmesstm
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/prolifejewess/

Students for Life of America

PAAU Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising

Justice for the Five

The Child Sacrifice Businesss in Uganda

Watch Ayala in action.
Ayala (@prolifejewess on Twitter) at the 2023 Rehumanize March for Life meetup:

Learn more about this extraordinary woman from her interview in The Federalist.
Abortion Activists Don’t Speak For This Rape Survivor Who Loved Her ‘Innocent’ Unborn Child

Talmudics Are Out Front Promoting The Abortion Agenda—Again!

The Root & Branch Association was founded by Lowell Joseph Gallin, a modern hero who promotes cooperation between the State of Israel and other nations, and between the Children of Israel and the Children of Noah (Gentiles), in the Land of Israel and abroad, to build a better world based on faith in the God of Israel and observance of His Covenants and laws, as commanded by the God of Israel in the Bible and Jewish Tradition.
The Root & Branch Association is building a Broadcasting Network from JERUSALEM, ISRAEL to honor the God, Land, Torah and People of Israel, and All Humanity. To support their work, visit 

News, education, enlightenment and spiritual renewal. Saving Jewish Lives & Healing Jewish Hearts by providing the Jewish community with Pro-Life Education, Pregnancy Care and Adoption Referrals, and Healing After Abortion.

At the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, we're making the Original Pro-Life Religion, Pro-Life Again!

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