The clown world + was I visited by a Satanist. You decide.

2 years ago

Same old scripts again but we at least see ahead and the ruses.
After that a curious encounter as I suspect..aherm, that a Satanist came knocking.
Hear me out, put it together and be honest, am I right to suspect or just paranoid?

All that I have scratched together of my true self could so easily be shattered into eternal pieces unless I remain strong, if my family etc knew of my reality, sorry OUR reality, would they want to help, to understand what we guard against every nano-second of every moment? No. For how can they.
They who dwell in the scripted and adapted screenplay, that exhausts itself and any creativity, by destroying the collective imagination of innocence with darkness into true souls experiencing 1 form of reality or 'being'...
They are the true mechanism of insanity and evil that controls them, by denying their own true evil they excuse others to hide their inner shame and so it prevails, becomes an afterthought and embedded in the minds of souls who are born blank, naked and unprotected. From then on, it's pure hell, but you don't have to be a demon.
People reject truth because they have never heard it in it's pure form.
Does it make you or break you?

The nearer I move to light, the more darkness seems to try to attach to me.
All sensible and comments of understanding would really help right now as I feel I am being tested in some way.
Should I engage? or learn from the unfortunate curious felines?

Much L❤ve


Japan could be interesting next week..think fukushima 7+.
US employment figures should be watched as mass lay-offs begin to accelerate and home affordability is at record lows? Records broken daily.

Remain vigilant and always RESIST.

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