Mark Passio Interviewed On The Wizard Factory: 'Human Nature - Programmable Behavior & Dynamic Conditions' - February 18, 2023

2 years ago

Mark was interviewed by Logan Hart and Bryan Easterday on The Wizard Factory on February 18, 2023. The main topic of discussion was Human Nature - what it IS and what it IS NOT.

What IS the nature of human beings? Is there such a thing? And what of free will? Can our nature be changed? Joined by philosophical titan Mark Passio, we dive deep into this profound and ever important topic, and much more

- 03:17 Setting The Stage
- 04:22 Defining Our Terms
- 08:42 Conditions vs Nature
- 10:40 The Importance of Understanding Human Nature
- 13:14 The Dialectic About Human Nature
- 19:14 The Human Mind Is LIKE A Computer
- 26:42 The Current Human Condition
- 29:53 The Value of Freedom
- 33:33 Our Programmability Determines Our Condition
- 37:13 Taking Responsibility For Your Role In The Current Condition
- 39:57 We Can Change Our Own Programming
- 54:57 The Real Meaning of Nature (NTR)
- 57:39 Why People Struggle With Understanding This
- 58:26 Finding Your Power In Becoming The Causal Factor
- 01:03:42 The Importance of Principles
- 01:06:16 Human Nature Is Psychology
- 01:10:01 Technology’s Role In The Human Condition
- 01:24:53 Final Thoughts & Outro

Mark's Website:
Mark’s Presentations:
Mark Passio & The Science of Natural Law Documentary:



The human condition by Hannah Arendt

The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt

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