The Clock is Ticking: Time to Make 2022 IRA Contributions | The Gold Spot

2 years ago

As the 2022 tax deadline approaches quickly, investors are starting to think about their #IRA contributions. Understanding the contribution limits and deadlines behind this transaction ensures you're in the best position to maximize your investments.

This year, the #taxdeadline falls on April 18, 2023, which means the countdown is already well underway. #2022 IRA contribution limits are set at $6,500 with an additional $1,000 permitted for those 50 and older.

When you’re topping off your #goldIRA for the 2022 tax year, you might as well consider making moves for 2023 too. In fact, the #IRS raised #2023 IRA contributions to give investors some additional breathing room in light of sky-high #inflation and the devaluing dollar.

With millions of Americans impacted professionally by the unprecedented pandemic and subsequent market implosion, many investors have old work-related retirement accounts sitting around. You can #rollover these into a #preciousmetalsIRA to put the funds to use while diversifying your nest egg.

Watch this week’s The Gold Spot to hear Scottsdale Bullion & Coin Sr. Advisors Steve Rand & IRA Liaison Michelle Ellis explain key IRA contribution details and why now is the perfect opportunity.


🪺 How to Make an Annual Contribution to Your Precious Metals IRA - 3 Easy Steps:

🪺 Precious Metals IRA Guide:

🪺 How a Precious Metals IRA Works:

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