March 2, 2023

2 years ago

March 1. Gristedes, 308 pm, 25 University Avenue, the fake homeless, CIA, the usual spy car next to the entrance, at least 2 spies preceded me, a good number followed me, spy staff arranging merchandise obstructing me at some aisles. After checking out, as I was leaving the 2 kids you see at the end of the video, probably 8 or 9 years old, near a woman wearing a blue parka placed themselves at the exit, obstructing me, that wasn’t a coincidence. The use of spy couples, pregnant women, blind persons, old, very slow individuals, LGBQT persons, baby strollers, loud individuals, placing themselves in areas where they are obstructing me as I shop, as I exit or enter a place, or behind and ahead of me at a check out line, which has just formed, has been standard by the CIA/FBI in the hope I might react in ways I can be “legitimately” arrested. This kind of operations are happening worldwide under the noses of every single government eliminating as many targets as is feasible, in ways that no one will ever investigate because they appear as “natural”, “normal” things. In this way, this mafia fills the targets vacant positions with their own spies creating a massive system taken control of societies.

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