1 year ago

A popular speculation throughout the last 2,000 plus years, is the belief that Jews have engaged in this ritualistic murder and human sacrifice. however, most Jews today will completely deny it and accuse you of antisemitism. They have even created a phrase for this type of accusation, they call it," BLOOD LIBEL". Let's UNCOVER THE THRUTH and go over the many primary citations.

All over Europe throughout the Middle Ages Jews were caught late at night performing those Satanic blood libel rituals on gentile (aka goyim) children to drain them of blood to drink. It's from these "people" where celebrities in Hollywood learned about adrenochrome, spirit cooking, soul scalping, etc. Jews are heavily into the occult & if you look into it you'll find out that they worship many demonic deities & frequently offer human sacrifices to them. They even claim to be god's (Satan's) Chosen People.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was created by the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL as a worldwide terrorist organization that was established to hide Jewish Talmud religious beliefs, practices, & crimes; to claim all Jewish Truther information is antisemitism; and to push the Jewish Holohoax as a Victim Card.

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