Dr. John Littell: Forced Out of Hospital After Endorsing Ivermectin

1 year ago

On February 23, a board-certified family physician Dr. John Littell testified before the Sarasota County Public Hospital Board about his successful practice of using ivermectin for treating Covid-19. The doctor saw the event as a unique opportunity to share his observations and be the voice of those who were trapped in hospitals and were denied early treatments during the Delta wave. Little did the doctor know that he would end up being escorted by three police officers out of the meeting shortly after delivering his speech.

In this interview with The New American, Dr. Littell shares why he attended the board meeting, what he spoke about, and how a seemingly innocent violation of a protocol led to his shocking expulsion. 

Dr. Littell argued that the suppression of early treatments, along with other pandemic measures such as the promotion of untested and unnecessary vaccines that are impacting male and female fertility, is likely a part of the population control plan.

To learn more about Dr. John Littell and his practice in Ocala, FL, please click here: www.johnlittellmd.com

Please follow Dr. Littell on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JohnLittellMD

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