Biden administration negotiating with the W.H.O. that would essentially surrender U.S. sovereignty

1 year ago

Audio from The Steven Tauriello Show podcast.

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WHATS UP PODCAST LISTENERS!!!! So as I was scrolling through the news today I stumbled upon an article that was released Friday that the Biden administration is negotiating a 2nd portion of a deal that would essentially surrender our sovereignty to the WHO during a health emergency, O and the WHO gets to decide and declare when that health emergency is. the first part of this deal started in 2022 and was immediately rebuked by the democrat news apparatus to make people believe it wasn't happening only to find out 1 year later the 2nd part of the deal is much much worse and that the treaty would be signed on February 27th and would be effective immediately. The democrat media always tries to convince the American people that everything coming from the right is a conspiracy theory and then 6 months later its just a conspiracy not a theory. So tune in to today's episode to find out exactly what the details are and is this even possible for a presidential administration to make such deal. This is a very important subject matter because how can a president just sign our nations sovereignty away to a global organization? lets find out. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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