Another day in paradise

2 years ago

A statement of 3 March 2023 regarding the three phases of the programs social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell.

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First phase: continuous censorship and shadow banning

second phase: they attempt to have you set up to be either imprisoned or sectioned to a mental institution,

third phase: they try to kill you through proxies.

All three phases are active in relation to the social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell, in one of the supposed most least corrupt countries in the world that is saying something.

Right now, they are specifically trying to make me homeless or have me exiled from North Jutland in Denmark which is something the Danish intelligence agency PET are trying to coerce the underworld to do for the state.
On top of that they are coming after my small business one stop engine shop as usual asking of people to make false complaints, lie cheat and steal and that’s no exaggeration.

They are constantly trying to have me kicked out of the Thai boxing gym I Aalborg as well instigating anybody and everybody to hate and despise me, and even to do me harm.

These campaigns are being coerced and set in motion predominantly by the Danish intelligence agency PET who are constantly relying on their synthetic telepathy communications system, which they used to every aspect of the program publicly.
And this is just in the day in the life of the most persecuted person in the world, as it relates to soft power verging on being hard power as they are trying to have me hurt and killed physically even though it through proxies it is the state and intelligence agencies doing this to me Stephen Bell.

#The_setup_is_real #The_program_is_social_engineering

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