MR. NON-PC - Why Can't They Admit The "Vaccine" Killed Their Loved Ones?!?

2 years ago

It's early 2023 and mannnn people are dropping like flies.

And if you're a pureblood like me and refused the "toxic waste easy bake oven vaccine" since day one then you know and I know that these "PC-Peepz" are dying in mass because they injected themselves with "the vax" we know it!

But even more strange was how all these pussified, wussifed and WEAK LibTurds rushed to go take the "Trump Vaccine" that Donald Trump created with his negligent "Operation Warp Speed" SCAM!

People were listening to Bill Gates masquerading as a doctor.

They trusted the Satanic U.S Government to care about their health?? They don't give a damn about anyone's health...look at all the obese and unhealthy fools!

People who lost their loved ones need to come to the table and ADMIT that the vaccine either injured or killed your loved ones....own up to it now!

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