14 april 1999 - Đakovica - NATO killed 73 Kosovo civilians

1 year ago

DESTROY THE TARGET!" These are the transcripts of the biggest NATO crime in Kosovo when a pilot burned a column with children and the elderly
During the NATO aggression against the FRY in 1999, on April 14, NATO F-16 planes bombed a convoy of refugees, killing 73 and wounding 36 Albanian civilians in four separate attacks near Gjakova.

The crime happened in broad daylight, in completely clear weather. Albanian civilians were returning home, and then NATO planes roasted them alive. Among the dead were 16 children, and NATO, at first, shamelessly blamed the FRY army for this monstrous crime.

A few days after this crime, state television published a transcript and audio recording of the conversation between the NATO pilot and the "Avaks".

- Good day. Charlie Bravo, I'm in position ten. Below - no movement. I'm asking for information about red MIGs.

– Charlie Bravo, Mother (Avacs) here. Patrol towards the northwest direction Prizren - Đakovica. There are no red MIGs in the air.

- Ok, I'm going to 3,000 feet.

-You get reinforcements in 10 minutes. There will be something interesting south of Đakovica.

- I'm coming out of the clouds, I don't see anything yet.

- Continue north, course 280.

- I am holding 3,000 feet, below me is a column of cars, some kind of tractors. What is that? I'm looking for instructions.

- Do you see the tanks? I repeat, where are the tanks?

- I see tractors, I guess the Reds didn't camouflage the tanks as tractors.

- What kind of strange convoy is that? What the hell kind of civilians? It's all Serbian butter! Destroy the target!

- What should I destroy, tractors? Regular cars? I repeat I don't see any tanks. I am looking for additional instructions!

- That's a military goal! A completely legitimate military objective! Destroy the target! I repeat, destroy the target!

- Understood. I'm launching.

Not only did the criminal NATO command want to convince the public that Serbs carried out the massacre, but when they were exposed, they also blamed their pilot for making a mistake.

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