TGA Reports of Death in People Who Have Been Vaccinated 2023.

2 years ago

Everything is to the number of his name.

Obama's Birth Numbers. 84. Born August 4th (8.4)

21st February 2021

First Australians Scott Morrison and Jane Malysiak 84 years old get the Pfizer shot.

+ 80 Weeks 4 days (84) Obama

= 7th September 2022.

Within the 23.9.2022 Covid 19 vaccine safety report

"Reports of death in people who have been vaccinate" paragraph.
Outcomes of a Vaccine safety investigation group meeting 7th September 2022.
TGA confirms first death of a 20 year year old Australian woman died from myocarditis due to Moderna booster shot.

13 Died from Astra Zeneca.
1 death from Moderna.

14 Death total Australia wide. Out of nearly 1000 Deaths reported.

RACGP article.
"It is the first death that has been officially linked to a MRNA vaccine.

Covid 19 Vaccine safety Report 23rd September 2022
TGA Report concluded that on the 7th September 2022. Outcomes of a Vaccine Safety investigation Group Meeting. External expert Vaccine Safety Investigation Group (VSIG) was convened.
That a very sad case of a young woman in her 20's who died a few weeks after receiving a booster dose of the (Spikevax) Moderna MRNA Shot.

+ 84 Days

= 15th December 2022.
Covid - 19 vaccine safety report - 15 - 12 -2022
" Reports of death in people who have been vaccinated"

The last report to include data:
Every weekly report after states: "More detail on the 14 vaccine - related deaths is available in the safety report published on 15th December 2022" highlighted in blue.

Abbreviated versions of the covid 19 vaccine safety report from henceforth.

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