Doug & Daniel's Beef Over Differing Rules for Believing Jews & Gentiles (Formerly)

1 year ago

Join Doug & Daniel at 9pm EST tonight (Wed, March 1, 2023) as they discuss their biggest beef: that the Gentile Converts only need ascribe to the four things required of them in Acts 15 (this was reiterated in Acts 21), as well, it seems, to all of Paul's rules, both Torah and extra-Torah laws which he deemed fit to either approve of or to impose, while Jewish converts were required to still keep the law, as stated in Acts 21, as they even participated in animal sacrifice (as did Paul) in that chapter. It seems to Doug and Daniel that while Paul shot down the everlasting covenant of circumcision he was still willing to participate in something Jesus truly had fulfilled, the shedding of blood in animal sacrifice.

Both Doug and Daniel wrestled with this double standard separately, and was one of the biggest challenges to their faith. They asked themselves many questions, such as:

1. Why would God forbid the Jews from certain practices, calling them abominations to Him, and then allow me to do those things which He has said He hates?
2. Why would I want to do anything that hurts God or disappoints Him. I want to please Him. Didn't the stranger who attached himself to Israel keep the laws, too?
3. Why would Paul and others try to stop us from pursuing those attempts at pleasing God according to His law.
4. With regard to circumcision, why did God tell Abraham it was an everlasting covenant, only to end it? (He told Abraham that the stranger with him must also be circumcised.)
5. Why call doing God's will a yoke?
6. Am I less than capable of following God's will than a Jew? Why the double standard? Can't I follow direction as well as anyone else?
7. Are Gentiles that wimpy that we can't even do what the father's did (especially with regard to circumcision)? Abraham was a ninety year old man.
8. Is it pride in me to want to keep the law, or am I being competitive?

We will address these questions and so much more. Hope to see you then!

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