Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Ultomato - March 2023

1 year ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the Seedium plant Ultomato and was offered between between March 1, 2023 and March 8, 2023.

Ultomato is a member of the Fila-Mint family.
Ultomato costs 250 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 2, 5, 8 and 10.)
Ultomato can be planted on top of itself to mutate into a more powerful version of itself.
Each additional Ultomato planting will increase the cost by 50 Sun. (-25 Sun at level 4.)
Ultomato fires a ray which will deal pass-through damage should a zombie be eliminated.
Small Ultomatoes do 350 damage. (+25 per level.)
Medium Ultomatoes do 750 damage. (+50 per level.)
Big Ultomates do 1,600 damage. (+100 per level.)
When given plant food, Ultomato will do 1,800 damage to all zombies in a 9x7 area. (+100 damage on levels 3, 6, 9 and 10.) This will destroy Ultomato.

We love this plant. The pass-through damage means no firepower will be wasted - the main reason why Citron is not played much. Why waste a powerful shot on a nearly defeated zombie?

Bottom Line:
As much as we love this plant, it is simply too expensive to properly utilize. It would cost thousands of Sun to get a column of tier 3 Ultomatoes. One would also need Sun producers and other plants. Many levels simply do not last long enough for this to be feasible.

While the pass-through is a nice utility, the amount of wasted firepower is not really significant for plants other than Citron. One simply does not need pass-through that much.

One interesting use case is the “full lawn Cherry Bomb”. Whether it is a level full of plant leaves or a Boosterama Arena, spending 250 Sun to do 1,800 damage to all zombies is not insignificant.

Level 1 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Imp Possible. (Powered up Imp Pear added to conveyor belt.)
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - 1 & 2 / 2 & 3 / 3 & 4
Fill a horizontal row with plants. (All 9 tiles must have a plant on it.) (Not offered on difficulty 1.)

Level 2 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 0 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Imp Possible. (Powered up Imp Pear added to conveyor belt.)
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - 4 & 5 / 4 & 5 / 4 & 5
Destroy not offered / 20 / 30 gravestones

Level 3 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive for three (3) minutes.
Chosen Perk is JALAPEÑO. 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Score to beat = 3,000,000 / 4,000,000 / 8,000,000
Protect the endangered plants - Electric Peashooter on not offered / R234 C3 / R234 C5
Starting Sun = 850 / 650 / 400

Level 4 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - FAIL
Survive the zombie attack
Chosen Perk is Imp Possible. (Powered up Imp Pear added to conveyor belt.)
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - 3 & 4
Ash zombies not offered / 30 / 40 times
A triple jalapeño perk should have enough firepower to clear the level.

Level 5 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive the zombie attack
Chosen Perk is Imp Possible. (Powered up Imp Pear added to conveyor belt.)
Protect the endangered plants - Snapdragonon not offered R234 C1
Stun zombies not offered / 50 / 75 times

00:00 Level 1 - Difficulty 3
03:11 Level 2 - Difficulty 3
08:15 Level 3 - Difficulty 3
11:47 Level 4 - Difficulty 3
14:06 Level 5 - Difficulty 3

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