Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Zomboss - Ultomato - March 2023

2 years ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the Seedium plant Ultomato and was offered between between March 1, 2023 and March 8, 2023.

Ultomato is a member of the Fila-Mint family.
Ultomato costs 250 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 2, 5, 8 and 10.)
Ultomato can be planted on top of itself to mutate into a more powerful version of itself.
Each additional Ultomato planting will increase the cost by 50 Sun. (-25 Sun at level 4.)
Ultomato fires a ray which will deal pass-through damage should a zombie be eliminated.
Small Ultomatoes do 350 damage. (+25 per level.)
Medium Ultomatoes do 750 damage. (+50 per level.)
Big Ultomates do 1,600 damage. (+100 per level.)
When given plant food, Ultomato will do 1,800 damage to all zombies in a 9x7 area. (+100 damage on levels 3, 6, 9 and 10.) This will destroy Ultomato.

We love this plant. The pass-through damage means no firepower will be wasted - the main reason why Citron is not played much. Why waste a powerful shot on a nearly defeated zombie?

Bottom Line:
As much as we love this plant, it is simply too expensive to properly utilize. It would cost thousands of Sun to get a column of tier 3 Ultomatoes. One would also need Sun producers and other plants. Many levels simply do not last long enough for this to be feasible.

While the pass-through is a nice utility, the amount of wasted firepower is not really significant for plants other than Citron. One simply does not need pass-through that much.

One interesting use case is the “full lawn Cherry Bomb”. Whether it is a level full of plant leaves or a Boosterama Arena, spending 250 Sun to do 1,800 damage to all zombies is not insignificant.

00:00 Difficulty 1 - Ultomato
03:31 Difficulty 2 - Lightning Reed + Power Vine
07:07 Difficulty 3 - Arma-Mint (Turkey-pult and Stickybomb Rice)

Given Plant = Ultomato
Chosen Perk is Chill Zombies / Jalapeño / Boss Buster (Damages Zomboss)

Level 1 Objective - Remove five (5) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 Ultomato
Players start with 2,050 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 Ultomato
Players start with 1,850 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove thirteen (13) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 Ultomato
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

I do not get a preview of Penny's Pursuit before it is released. So what you see is what players get.

I also try to vary the strategies from week to week and showcasing different plants and strategies and ideas. Using the same strategy week after week would be boring to see.

As always, if you appreciate these videos, learned something from them, please subscribe. This incentives me to continue making these videos.

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