2 years ago

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This workout will include barbell complexes. So, instead of doing long, slow boring cardio, you are going to do a much shorter and faster way of doing it that is also fun. This workout is also a good replacement for interval training, bodyweight circuits, or high intensity cardio.

In this 6x6 workout, you will do six exercises for six repetitions each.

To start out, you'll do a Barbell Squat. So, place the barbell up across your shoulders, push your hips back, squat down, and drive up.

Up next is the Overhead Raise. Place the bar in front of you at shoulder height, and raise the barbell up overhead.

Following six reps of the overhead raise, you'll now do a Front Squat. So, the same as the first type of squat, with the exception that the bar bell will now be held across your chest.

Once you've finished the squat exercise, you'll go right into the Wide Grip Upright Row or a High Pull. The narrow grip is too rough on your shoulders.

Next up is the Romanian Deadlift. Place the barbell down across your thighs, and with a slight bend in the knees, push your hips back.

Finishing off the workout you will do a conventional Deadlift for six reps.

That's it for the circuit. Rest one minute and then go through it two more times. So, if you don't fee like doing a bodyweight circuit, traditional interval training, or high intensity cardio, then this is a great alternative.

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