2 years ago


If you love training arms but just dont have time for those exercises in your busy schedule, here are 3 systems that you can use at the end of your regular workout to add in some additional arm exercises, while keeping your workout time as short as possible.

There are 2 alternative ways in which you can add 3 minute arms to your workouts. The first is adding one of the systems to the end of your workout, three times per week. Or, you can do three different versions of 3- minute arms as one workout, taking 12 minutes in total with a minute of rest in between each.

Below I will outline each of the 3 different 3-minute arm systems.

System 1 5X5 Method

To start, choose a weight that you can normally do 8 repetitions in dumbbell curls and dumbbell tricep extensions. Now, instead of completing 8 reps, you will do 5 repetitions for each exercise with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Repeat this the superset 5 times, again with no rest.

You should be able to use the same weight for both exercises. Although the weight might be a little easier for the tricep exercise, once you fatigue, it will become more difficult. You should be able to get that arm workout done in about 2 minutes 55 seconds and have a nice little arm pump to end the workout.

System 2 - 4X6 Method

This system is very similar to the first one. For the 4X6 you will do four sets of six repetitions with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Two great exercises for this system are the barbell bicep curl and combining that with an incline dumbbell tricep extension.

Again, you will want to pick a weight that you can do for 8 repetitions, but only do 6 for each exercise. Because there is zero rest between sets, you will end up very fatigued and these exercises will become increasingly more difficult.

System 3 2X8

This system is pretty straightforward. Two sets of 8 repetitions. For the 2X8, I recommend incline dumbbell curls and pairing that with the tricep rope extension. So, in this system you will perform the superset and then rest 30 seconds and repeat one more time.

Thats it. All of the 3-minute arm workouts are short and sweet, but will help you build muscle and sculpt your arms in a very short amount of time, perfect for the busy person.

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